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Kindergarten~ Tanabata Star Festival

In our kindergarten class we also celebrate Japanese traditions and holidays.   Today is Tanabata~ Star Festival!  Each child made paper chains and talked about what wishes they had.  We had a lot of cute wishes!  I hope everyone’s wishes come true! ⭐⭐⭐ -Starr♡

Preschool Lesson 7/7/2020

今日のPreschoolではFarm Animalについて



上手になってきました😊 Great!

1人ずつ好きなPicture Cardを取って

何のFarm Animalか皆んなの前で発表します。


Well done ,everyone!

Kindergarten~ Fourth of July Lunch!

Happy Fourth of July !  In kinder we celebrate some American holidays.   The students always love making our annual lunch. We made coleslaw and hot dogs and even red, white and blue cupcakes! 🇺🇸  We finished the day off with some patriotic music and themed crafts.  It was a lot of fun.   We can’t wait to celebrate next year too!  ~  Starr♡

Pre-Preschool Lesson


Old MacDonald Had A Farmに合わせて


And on his farm he had some pigsのところでは、

みんなでoink oinkと言って可愛かったです♡

Great job everyone😊

Kindergarten ~ k1

The k1 class is doing so well with their lessons.  During the month of June they have gotten into the daily schedule and routines quite well.  They’ve been working on many things such as motor skills, abcs and numbers to just name a few.  One of their favorite activities is making their letter bracelets.   They color the letter they are studying and the photos of words that start with the same letter.   They wanted to share a photo of them wearing their bracelets with you all!
Awesome, K1!  - Starr ♡

Kindergarten~ ocean creatures

During monthly studies time,  the k2 and k3 classes did an activity with play doh.  They were told to be creative and make any ocean creatures that they wanted to.   I was blown away with all of the amazing things they made!  We had hammerhead sharks, sea turtles and many more.  Exploring creativity is a big part of learning.

Well done, everyone! -Starr♡