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Pre/Tots – We are all good friends

The kids have been practicing to line up these last few days and they’ve been doing so well!

Kindergarten ~ Lesson time

With gloomy weather outside, the Kinder classes are studying hard. 💕  k1 is working on their motor skills cutting circles.  K2 is studying beginning sounds. And K3 is doing directed drawing and a writing activity about ice cream. 🍦🍦🍦
See you next time! - Starr

Pre/Tots – New open space to play in!

Due to rainy weather early in the morning we couldn’t use the slides, so we went to another open space to play for the first time and the children loved it so much!

Kindergarten ~ Park fun!

With rainy season upon us, we run to the park any chance we get!  If there’s sun, then we are there. ☀️  We have been playing on the big white slide but hopefully the grass will be open again soon! 🌈💕  - Starr

Kindergarten ~ Show and Tell

Good morning! It’s another lovely day in Kinder!

Every morning we have morning assembly and during that time, kids can come to the front and “show and tell” about a toy, book or some item they love from home.  It’s a lot of fun.  On this day we could see a dinosaur and a light toy!  See you next time~  Starr


Pre/Tots – We also do your hair for you

All the girls have been enjoying one of the teachers giving then “Baikinman” hairdos lately.