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Kinder~ It’s Christmas! 🎄

Happy December, everyone!   It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas here in Kindergarten.  We have decorated our Christmas tree and every day we are practicing for our Christmas recital.  It’s the most wonderful time of the year! 🎄


Pre/Tots – Start of Christmas fun

We have finally reached the start of our Christmas fun and it seems a lot of the children already experienced a lot of Christmas at home as they boast about their Christmas trees and family time.

Pre/Tots – Our new youngest friend

Over at the Tots we have a new friend who is now the newest youngest member! Everyone was very nice and made him feel all welcome so much he smiled the whole day!
We also started making our lovely Christmas tree.

- Gary

Pre/Tots – Don’t underestimate them

Everyone gave their all today and we were surprised since we didn’t expect any of the kids to understand flags or what another country is yet, yet the children surprised us with their answers!

- Gary

Kinder- Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃💕

We had a wonderful thanksgiving in kinder last week! The kids enjoyed traditional American thanksgiving foods including turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, cornbread, green beans, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. We all shared what we were thankful for. 🦃❤️ - Starr

Pre/Tots – Love and hugs

Every now and then we hear the children say I love you to their favorite friends and teachers.